
I’m Doin’ the Damn Thing… Welcome to One Wanderful Life!

Well, friends. After many years of people telling me that I should write about my adventures and two years of blogging full-time for other businesses, I’m doing the damn thing. Welcome to my travel blog, One Wanderful Life!

Behind the Name & The Travel Obsession

People who know me call me “travel obsessed”. To which I respond, “Sorry, not sorry.” It’s about the only thing in my people-pleasing nature that I am unapologetic about.

Now, I love a good Netflix binge with a glass of vino on a Friday night as much as the next person. But if I don’t hop on a plane at least, let’s say, once a quarter I tend to go a wee bit crazy (ask my husband, he’ll tell you). To me, living a fulfilled life includes exploration of this big, beautiful world. We only have one life and it’s better with a few adventures on the horizon.

How it all started…

I started traveling in my younger days with a trip to Mexico with the family and a summer adventure in Ireland with two friends in 5th grade. Safe to say, I was hooked. After that, I participated in three People to People Student Ambassador trips, which took me to 10 countries before the age of 15.

But there is one memory that sparked my interest in diverse cultures and getting to know how other people live. We spent a day at school with Fijian children I’ll never forget.

Their school was a one-row schoolhouse with three classrooms, a library, and an outhouse for ages kindergarten through at least middle school, if not high school. Their basketballs barely bounced and there were no nets on the rim. There was one computer for all the children. Yet, they welcomed us with open arms and were inquisitive about where we came from. They were so incredibly proud to show us what they had. Which to us, I’ll be honest, wasn’t much. But despite having so little, they are still the most joyful humans I had ever met to this day.

To them, they had it all.

They had food, family, they lived on a beautiful island, and that was all they needed. It inspired me. It was the first time I was introduced to the way others lived and it humbled me and allowed me to connect with others in an entirely new way.

I think this experience is the reason why I prefer to spend my money on travel experiences than physical things. To me, these types of experiences will always mean more.

What We’ll Explore to Inspire One Wanderful Life

My goal with this blog is to share my travel tips and inspiration. I want to get people traveling, exploring, and getting to know other people and cultures, both close to home and abroad.

When traveling, I make it a goal to connect with locals, support women-owned businesses whenever possible, and leave nothing but footprints behind. But, I do also love to indulge in a little luxury from time to time.

My travel style is a bit odd in that way I guess. But I think it’s perfect for those who are looking to pair relaxation and escape from a tough day job with authentic exploration of a new place and culture.

Here’s what you can expect to explore with me on the blog (and what you shouldn’t expect):

  • I love a good boutique hotel. To me, it’s worth splurging on a hotel if I think it has a good story or vibe. And you won’t find me in hostels anymore (been there, done that, don’t need to do it again).
  • While I do try to see the sights, I think it’s equally important to try the food and explore the off-the-beaten-path spots. I think it’s in those experiences you’re able to soak up the authentic essence of a place.
  • I despise traditional group tours. You know the ones. The ones being paraded around a landmark, donning a lanyard or sticker on their chest, following a parasol-wielding guide. Yes, I’ve done them and learned things before. But I prefer small groups and intentional itineraries. So, we’ll cover those!
  • I’m from New England, so expect a lot of lobster roll content and weekend getaway guides from a local. When I’m not traveling abroad, you’ll find me in Mystic, CT where I grew up and live today with my husband and rescue pup, Loki.
  • I love food. Not cooking it, just eating it. So, expect a lot of restaurant reviews and foodie content!

So, to sum it up, you won’t find budget trip tips or bus tour reviews. But you will find guides to traveling authentically, indulgently, and intentionally here in the U.S. and abroad.

Thanks for Wandering with Me…

If you drop your email in the box below, you can follow along as I share travel inspiration in weekly posts! Plus, we’re heading to Morocco in a week, so follow @onewanderfullife_ on the ‘gram. I’ll do my best at sharing live updates and fun travel finds!

Cheers to not letting life pass you by, to wandering with your eyes and heart wide open! Here’s to creating one wanderful life.

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