
Powerful gratitude reflection after a quarter of inspiring travel

The past couple of months, my business has been slower than I would like – full transparency. I’m never going to glorify entrepreneurship or say it’s easy or that every month is going to be pretty. So, I decided to do a gratitude reflection and wanted to share some thoughts on what came up. Because what I realized is that success is not just the number at the end of the month. It’s the life lived, and the experiences had, and the beauty you’ve been able to create. For me, it’s the places I’ve been, the people I’ve met, the friends and family I’ve spent time with. And that was the most powerful realization I’ve had recently.

Here are just a few takeaways I had during my gratitude reflection I felt were worthy of a share! And… a few prompts for you to do this in your own business and life.

Takeaway #1: I Created a Business That Supports My Version of Success

When I first set out on my entrepreneurial journey a few years ago, my goal was to not show up to an office, make more than my 9-5, and travel more without asking for PTO. That was it. And while I may not be making a million bucks yet, this lifestyle freedom I’ve created is WORTH a million bucks to me.

So far this year, I’ve been able to travel to the Bahamas, Guatemala, Mexico, Vermont, D.C. (twice), and NYC. And it’s May. And on those trips, I didn’t really take my work with me. I logged off for about 95% of them. That would have been 29 PTO days – I counted. And I still had five-figure months. I still served my clients well. When I was in my 9-5, I had 15 PTO days for the entire year. I’ve taken nearly 2x that in the first half of the year. And you best believe that’s not where my travel this year will end.

This literally blows my mind. So, while I may not be where I personally want to be in business, I’ve created the success I originally envisioned for myself. And that’s worth a celebration.

Takeaway #2: I’m Helping People Step into Their Power & Change the World

This quarter is really when I launched the coaching branch of my business. And I’ve been able to connect with so many seriously freaking incredible women and humans. They have big dreams, big goals, big passions, and they’re considering jumping into entrepreneurship so they can share their gifts with the world – and I’m helping them uncover the power within themselves that will allow them to succeed in this for themselves and their families.

In terms of my copywriting business, I’m helping woman-owned brands that are revolutionizing what it looks like to be a mom and a badass entrepreneur; I’m helping Black-owned brands shatter glass ceilings and prove that everyone in this world is equal, worthy, and powerful; I’m helping businesses supporting artisans and entrepreneurs across the world. My words are helping them create impact and change that will leave this world better for the next generation. And that’s worthy of gratitude… the chance to work with these incredible, powerful, and pioneering individuals.

Takeaway #3: For the First Time… Ever?… I’ve Honored My Boundaries

Maybe not while doing some of the crazy sh*t my husband asked me to do in Mexico … but work-wise. Baby steps!

I’m a “Yes, mam” kinda gal. Saying no was just literally the hardest thing for me. Last-minute rush project? Sure. Need edits with zero notice? No problem! My people-pleasing tendencies hit HARD with entrepreneurship. And they led me to extreme burnout in my first year of business. I could have NEVER in a million years taken a fully logged-off vacation a couple of years ago when I was just starting. And a huge reason was that I had zero boundaries. I wanted everyone to be happy with my work and with me… but I didn’t realize I was ultimately just harming myself, chasing love and fulfillment through perceived external successes.

Now, my clients know when I’m taking off on a trip. If they aren’t on my calendar at least a week in advance, it’s not getting done until I get back. And I hold hard to that because, without regular breaks, it’s harder to produce quality work. So realistically, these boundaries serve us all!

Here are a few boundaries you can set as an entrepreneur that will help you create more time to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor:

  • Send clients a list of your vacation dates each quarter with deadlines for when assignments must be received to get into your schedule prior to departure. This way, it’s no surprise when you leave and say no to a project or give an extended deadline. Also, I like to send reminders two weeks prior so they have a last-minute chance to get in anything “urgent”.
  • Log off before 8:00 p.m. My nighttime routine is more important than my morning routine when it comes to being a productive, joyful, and grateful human and entrepreneur. I need that wind-down time!
  • Charge rates that support your vision for your business and your life. You’re going to have to work a lot more hours if you’re charging rates that aren’t aligned with your innate value as a service provider.
  • Fire clients who don’t respect boundaries! This was hard for me in the beginning but if someone’s asking for a rush job every week… no matter what you do to get them into a groove, you won’t change them.
  • Don’t check your email when you travel. You’ll get sucked in. If I need to do this, I’ll schedule one hour in the middle of the trip to tackle things. But I typically prefer to just put up my OOO with a return date when their issue will be addressed! “There’s no such thing as a marketing emergency” is one of my favorite sayings… and it’s true. We’re not saving lives here with online businesses, people. Not minimizing, just keeping it real!

10+ Gratitude Reflection Journal Prompts

So, if you’re an entrepreneur that’s having a rough quarter or someone who is stuck in a soul-sucking 9-5 knowing you’re meant for more, I’m not going to invalidate the crappy feelings that come with that. They’re real, and they’re hard. But I would urge you to do a gratitude reflection journaling sesh to see what comes up. Because I think you probably have a lot more to be grateful for than you realize, and that can help you push through the negative and focus on the positive.

Here are a few gratitude journal prompts I love that you can use:

  • What’s one way you’ve made the world a more positive place?
  • What’s your version of success? What do you already have that’s a part of that vision?
  • What challenges have you overcome recently?
  • What’s one win you’ve had recently that deserves celebrating and a moment of appreciation?
  • What are three things you love about yourself today?
  • Where were you a year ago? What are you able to do today that you weren’t able to do then? What was something you didn’t have to do today that you didn’t want to do that you would have been forced to do a year ago?
  • What was a little moment that brought you joy today?
  • What’s one talent you have that’s unique from anyone else you know?
  • What’s something you’re proud of yourself for?

This is just a place to start. Email me if you want more!

A Note on This Gratitude Reflection

Now, I’m not sharing these wins or realizations to brag. I never am. I am perhaps humble to a fault, and sharing these things makes me cringe sometimes. But I’m sharing because I wholeheartedly believe that any individual can create this type of lifestyle business for themselves. And I don’t think enough people realize what’s possible for them. They don’t dream big enough because society has told them what’s not possible for them rather than what is possible if you believe it’s possible.

So, I guess what I’m saying here is, dream f*cking bigger. Because you deserve this lifestyle if you want it. You deserve these global connections and experiences if they’re what you crave. You deserve this impact that fills your cup and fuels your soul. And you can have it.

I’d love to have a coffee chat with you to talk about what comes up for you in your gratitude reflection and hear your vision for entrepreneurship, travel, and life! Let’s have a cafecito.

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